It's pretty obvious that I haven't been really keeping up with this blog, but I really wanted to make sure I got to share the incredible story of what God's been up to recently in my life.
I guess I need to start back in December of last year. Once I graduated from JMU, I knew that I wouldn't be finding a teaching job right away and had accepted the fact that I would be doing some subbing and odd jobs until the right thing came along.
Anyone who's really had a chance to sit down and chat with me over the past couple of years has known that more than anything, I wanted to move away from Harrisonburg after graduation. But, no one tells you what it's going to be like to be a real person or that it's really expensive, especially when you're up to your eyeballs in student loans. The pressure of even being capable of paying those loans is compacted when you spend the first three months of your newly graduated life unemployed. It was an extremely frustrating time. I went from being a busy-body with a consistently full schedule to spending my days in my pjs watching an entire season of 30 Rock in one day.
Needless to say that an invitation to spend some time in Texas with one of my favorite family couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I spent a week in the Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington area in early March and began thinking about a possible permanent move there. While I was there, I received a couple offers for jobs back in Harrisonburg and I finally ended my unemployment streak.
Hanging out at TCU with the lovely McClelland ladies |
I ended up spending the next couple months working as a substitute teacher, waitress, and wine pour-er, all the while dreaming and semi-planning a move to Texas. I even begin telling people that was my plan. I was essentially putting myself into a position where I'd have to move, afterall you can't go back on your word. My timeline to move was sometime at the beginning of August and I'd even applied for teaching jobs in Texas.