Wednesday, June 23, 2010

week one = finding my place.

So I have to apologize for not really being able to update this blog much but I'm hoping that you've been able to keep up with me via the Team Philly blogs!  I've been working hard this past week, making videos, taking pictures and lovin' on the Philly community.

This week as been really interesting for me.  I didn't realize until the week before the group got here what my role as a leader would really look like.  My job this summer takes me to ALL ministry sites and any place that the group is.  This means generally I can't hang in one place too long or really lead ministry sites.  And I'm not gonna lie at first I really felt insignificant in our team.  I spent some time talking with a couple people about it and honestly for the first day of the week, I felt a little dejected and depressed.  I felt disconnected from our new groups and from Team Philly.  I was watching as my team members stepped up and became leaders, and it was easy to see God giving them authority and growing them.  I felt a little out of place at times.

 It wasn't until talking to Maddy that I realized, again, how blessed I am to have this job.  I love blogging and I love using it as a forum not only to put all my ideas down but to show how God is moving in my life. I realized that this job this summer gives me the opportunity to do just that.  I get to capture the essence of each people I come in connect with.  I get to ask the questions that make them think and have those experiences frozen so they can look back at them and remember how they felt, and what they experienced.  I get the spontaneity of each person, their passion, their emotion and most importantly how God is changing them.

So often we have these mountain top experiences and we're on fire for the Lord but once we transition back to "real life", we quickly forget what we learned and experienced and how they were ready to change the world...and then we settle back into our old ways.  Hopefully, with videos and pictures and blogs, the groups we have here in Philly can look back and remember what Christ taught them, and how he moved them and their hearts.

I realize now that my role might be a little bit more behind the scenes this summer, a place that I'm not necessarily used to, but a place that is important nevertheless.  I'm excited to see what the Lord does.

I love Philly.  I love the heart of Wyoming Ave Baptist.  I love being surprised everyday with the people Christ puts in my life.  Continue praying for me, that God would break down any and all preconceived notions I have about what this summer should look like.  Pray that he would change my heart and help me continue to learn more and grow more.  Thank you for all your love and support.  I promise I'll update sooner than last time!


Sara the Willow said...

I'm so proud of you and what you are doing! Keep it up! God is already doing amazing work through you and He always will...this summer and for the rest of your life!

Tracie said...

Thanks for being specific about the areas where you need prayer. I am so excited to see how God is using you, Sara! You are being obedient and that is HUGE! We miss you and will be praying.